How It Works

Find and book Doctors or Physician Extenders on-demand for home visits in three easy steps!

Locate the closest Doctor or Physician Extender in the proximity of your requested visit location.

Check out his/her profile, reviews and education to ensure you choose the practitioner best-suited for your medical needs.

Check out his/her profile, reviews and education to ensure you choose the practitioner best-suited for your medical needs.

Include any additional information required and submit the booking.


  1. 1. Easily book home visits from Doctors or Physician Extenders for now or later.
  2. 2. Track your medical professional live from the app when they are on the way to your requested appointment location.
  3. 3. Receive notifications when the medical professional arrives and when the appointment starts.
  4. 4. After an appointment is complete, you will receive an invoice on your phone and email. Our PCI compliant secure payment system will auto charge your registered card.
  5. 5. Scheduled appointments can be tracked via the booking history option.
All PriveMD doctors go through a strict vetting process to ensure best quality of service.